Projetos em andamento

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Projeto Água Limpa (2021)

Global Land Alliance

Global Land Alliance strives to achieve land tenure security around the globe.  We work with communities, organizations and governments to improve land tenure security through inclusive dialogue and practice, and promote sustainable land and natural resource use with all stakeholders

The economic viability of the business model and its impacts could potentially be a ‘game changer’ for millions of people that are struggling with lack of infrastructure and informal rights over property, with great possibility for this solution to be scaled up. Those are the baselines for this proposal, which is focused on stimulating economic development and reducing poverty in vulnerable communities through land regularization and infrastructure.

The objectives of this research proposal are the following:

  • To assess the financial viability of the Terra Nova/Renascer proposal.
  • Development and application of in loco questionnaire to understand the current (and past situation of the community, their expectations, and perceptions.
  • To create a baseline assessment for future monitoring and evaluation of the impacts of this approach of land regularization
  • To explain and summarize the actions and execution of the Terra Nova intervention on land regularization project
  • To structure a monitoring plan for impact evaluation of the land regularization over time (for a future impact assessment)

Projeto Land at Scale (2021 – 2023) – Colômbia

Kadaster International

Kadaster carries out international activities. Together with national partners worldwide, such as governmental organisations and universities, we further develop knowledge and skills in land administration and geographic data. In addition, we actively participate in international umbrella organisations

The Land at Scale (L@S) and the Land in Peace projects from Kadaster International aims to use a Fit for Purpose (FFP) approach to map land rights, to improve livelihoods, secure environmental assets, and also promote economic inclusion of the traditional communities in Colombia. By exploring the institutional settings from Colombia and Brazil, including policies, agencies, and instruments, it will be possible to contribute with innovative solutions, opportunities, and strategies for the sustainable development of the communities affected by the project. Those insights will provide reasonable suggestions for the improvement on the institutional settings, important for the capacity building in another important deliverable from the L@S and Land in Peace projects


• Deliver an accurate framework of the legal and technical regulations for property rights recognition, along with their admission into the cadastral and registry systems. 

• Deliver an accurate framework of the institutions that are responsible for the Land Administration System in Colombia, along with their relations, contributions, and considering their responsibilities.  

• Present the legal and institutional frameworks in a simplified manner, with graphic and communicative resources to facilitate the understanding. 

• Provide comparison and feedbacks from the Brazilian perspective when necessary or pertinent.

• Propose alternatives and enhancements that could be made considering the current situation and context.

Land Compliance – Nota de Conceito 

Cadasta Foundation

Founded in 2015, Cadasta Foundation is a Washington, D.C. based nonprofit that develops and promotes the use of simple digital tools and technology to help partners efficiently document, analyze, store, and share critical land and resource rights information.

Kadaster International

The Netherlands’ Cadastre, Land Registry and Mapping Agency (in short Kadaster) has collected and registered administrative and spatial data on property and the rights since 1832, thereby protecting legal certainty. Kadaster is responsible for national mapping and maintenance of the national reference coordinate system.

Cadasta Foundation, Kadaster International, and the Brazilian NGO Land Governance Institute (IGT) presented their partnership to mutually support and advocate for responsible investment and land tenure security in Brazil. As the lack of accountability across international corporate supply chains damages the market value of products and impacts commitments towards sustainability, including community rights and conservation measures. Land tenure, the foundation of any resource-based supply chain, is rarely prioritized by companies and governments. Consequently, the private sector and other investors tend to underestimate land-related risks when conducting business, resulting in conflict and unsustainable value chains. 

Cadasta Foundation, Kadaster International, and IGT are working together to provide equitable and affordable land administration tools, services, and expertise in areas where land administration remains a challenge. The work focuses on applying certification frameworks, international standards, and risk assessments to advance land rights, conservation, and sustainable investment in Brazil. 

“Our partnership seeks to standardize land-related risks through aspects that are pertinent to land administration systems anywhere. Made possible by Kadaster’s expertise, technical support from Cadasta, and IGT’s coordination, our goal is to provide viable solutions for any size of company, sector, or supply chain.” – Gabriel Siqueira, Director of the Land Governance Institute

Leia a nota de conceito na íntegra. Clique aqui.

Read the concept note. Click here.

Membro da “Coalizão Brasil” – Fórum de Políticas Públicas e Instrumentos Econômicos

“Coalizão Brasil, Clima, Florestas e Agricultura

Um movimento multisetorial, composto por entidades que lideram o agronegócio no Brasil, as principais organizações civis da área de meio ambiente e clima, representantes de peso do meio acadêmico, associações setoriais e companhias líderes nas áreas de madeira, cosméticos, siderurgia, papel e celulose, entre outras.

O movimento se pauta por este documento de 17 propostas concretas, voltadas à redução das emissões de GEE e à economia de baixo carbono. Elaboradas com base em estudos científicos, conhecimento prático e tecnologias disponíveis no país, as propostas envolvem o fim do desmatamento e da exploração ilegal de madeira, a recuperação de áreas degradadas, o ordenamento fundiário, a proteção social de comunidades, bem como o estímulo à produção competitiva e sustentável de alimentos, produtos florestais e bioenergia.

Fazemos parte da Coalizão por acreditamos que o estreitamento das relações entre atores e organizações é muito benéfico ao diálogo construtivo, e nós, enquanto instituto de pesquisa, contribuímos como parte das lideranças nesse diverso espaço de discussão sobre o desenvolvimento sustentável do Brasil, atuando junto do Fórum de Políticas Públicas e Instrumentos Econômicos e das Forças Tarefas, de Monitoramento e Ordenamento do Território, e Regularização Fundiária. 

Acesse o site da Coalizão Brasil. Clique aqui.

Membro da “Concertação Brasil” – Fórum de Políticas Públicas e Instrumentos Econômicos

Uma Concertação pela Amazônia

É uma rede de pessoas, instituições e empresas formada para buscar soluções para a conservação e o desenvolvimento sustentável deste território.

Reunimos mais de 200 lideranças engajadas e criamos um espaço democrático para que as dezenas de iniciativas em defesa da Amazônia se encontrem, dialoguem, aumentem o impacto de suas ações e gerem novas propostas e projetos em prol da floresta e das populações que vivem na região.

Junto da Concertação, atuamos no Eixo 11 sobre “Regularização Fundiária”, cujo objetivo é traçar o “arcabouço jurídico voltado para o ordenamento territorial no Brasil, especialmente a questão fundiária na Amazônia e dinâmica do processo de grilagem de terras na região.”

Acesse o site. Clique aqui.